
The Earth School is a secular school that celebrates heterogeneity and diversity. We view festivals as expressions of human culture and over time our celebrations have taken on unique ‘
Earth School’ traditions. Our Christmas celebration week gets kicked off by contributing to those in need. On the day of our celebrations we decorate our tree as a community, one ornament at a time and there is always a lot of music.

On Eid we henna our hands. We have rocket ships, dragons, paisleys and peacocks, in perfect harmony with each other.

For Diwali the entire school community takes turns to decorate a ‘poo kollam’ to adorn our space. The festivities are incomplete without an impromptu performance by the children, usually about the story of Diwali.

True to The Earth School day, we end each celebration in the same way we end each working day – with large amounts of play and frolic!